Holly's Chocolate Crepe Pinwheels

Holly’s Chocolate Crepe Pinwheels

3 Nutritional Supplement Powders
1 Fruit

Suitable for all Freedom meal plans only

MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement Powder
MWLC Fudge Cake Nutritional Supplement Powder
MWLC Cheesecake Nutritional Supplement Powder
½ cup Strawberries
Purified Water (amount stated per directions on MWLC Nutritional Supplement packages)

Mix the Pancake and Fudge Cake Nutritional Supplements together in a medium bowl. Add a little more water than the directions on the back of the packages to make a thinner batter.  Pour batter mixture onto a griddle in medium circles (making a crepe) and cook.  Flip when the bottom is golden brown and remove from the griddle once the other side is also golden brown. Remove crepes and let cool.

In a small bowl make the Cheesecake Nutritional Supplement pudding per the directions on the package. Once the crepes are cooled add the frosting, which is the Cheesecake Nutritional Supplement.

Finally, add a row of sliced strawberries into the crepe and roll the crepe up. Slice into pinwheels and enjoy!   

Best if prepared the night before and cut the next day. May also chill crepes in the refrigerator if you like them cold!