How to keep portion control in check during the holidays

‘Tis the season for overindulgence! Or is it? At Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we never encourage our patients to indulge in foods outside their program in the weight loss phase, even during the holidays. And to help you stay on track with your health and weight loss goals, we have several tips for how to manage portion control through the holiday season challenges.

Make the holidays brighter by practicing portion control and sticking to your health goals.

Make the holidays brighter by practicing portion control and sticking to your health goals.

The Holiday Party

Certified wellness practitioner and MWLC Community Relations Director Tracy Strieter suggests that you wear a party outfit that’s a bit on the snug side so that you don’t feel like you have endless room to expand by eating too much. Also, choose wisely when it comes to liquid calories! Start with sparkling water and find a place to socialize away from the snacks.

If the event is later in the day and you’re likely to be famished, have a small, high-protein snack before you arrive to take the edge off your appetite and leave you with room for better choices.

The Office Break Room

This is an area that can be tough any time of the year, but especially during the holidays with cookies, cakes and more sweets finding their way there. Your best option? Avoid these areas whenever possible and bring your own healthy snacks to work. Fill up on fresh veggies and fruit, whole grain crackers and air-popped popcorn. “Keeping your tummy filled with the good stuff will help you be less likely to snack out of desperation throughout the day,” Tracy says.

Family Festivities

There are sure to be many less-than-healthy foods at your family celebrations. Do yourself — and your family members — a favor and contribute a healthy dish or snack to share! Stay away from seconds and use your calories wisely on special foods, rather than those you can have anytime of the year. And when you host, be careful about grazing while you cook, and cut back on the fat and sugar in your meals.

Seasonal Goodies

Again, we encourage you to avoid foods that are outside your plan, no matter the occasion. When you do opt to snack, Tracy suggests that you use a plate so that you eat less and enjoy it more. You can also use the 2-tablespoon rule: Choose one or two items that you have to have and take 2 tablespoons of it. “This way, you don’t feel deprived but are still in control of portions,” Tracy says. Finally, if you can take it or leave it, you’re better off leaving it.

To take control of your weight loss with a program and support that will help you stay focused on your goals all year, contact Medical Weight Loss Clinic. Schedule your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM today.