MWLC Patient Perspectives: Paul S. - Flint


“I knew I’d been gaining weight, but I saw a photo of myself and could not believe how big I looked. It made me start thinking about other things, like that it took me three tries to put on my socks, how easily I’d get short of breath, and that even mowing the lawn was difficult. Medical Weight Loss Clinic created a meal program for me that consisted of six to seven smaller meals a day that had lots of vegetables and some protein. The plan was easy to follow, so I was able to stay on track with my goals. Now I can walk, jog and run without pain or shortness of breath and I only have to bend over once to put on both socks! All the shirts I had put away because they were too tight are now loose on me. To anyone who wants to lose weight, I’d say to find healthy food that you enjoy eating, drink a lot of water and keep a photo out that motivates you to stay on track. If you are cheating, you are only cheating yourself.” 

- Paul S., 50 years old, Flint

Carrying around extra weight doesn’t just impact self-esteem and confidence, it can also lead to joint pain, trouble performing daily activities and an increased risk for serious health issues like heart disease and diabetes. But losing weight can be incredibly hard—a factor that helps explain why almost 35 percent of Michiganders are overweight and 30 percent are obese.

That’s where the Medical Weight Loss Clinic can help. We are a Michigan-based company run by physicians who take a clinical approach to weight loss. We create customized programs based on each person’s medical profile and weight loss goals, combining one-on-one counseling, food plans, recipes, nutritional supplements and a custom exercise regimen. Our clinics also offer Blue Cross members an exclusive discount through the Blue365 savings program. Members can access the discount by logging into their account.

The Medical Weight Loss Clinic recently helped four Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan members lose weight and get their health back on track. Read their stories here:

Are you ready to start your transformation?  Book a free consultation today!