Picturing Success: How Tony Territo embraced a healthier, more adventurous life

Tony Territo started his health and wellness journey nearly 3 years ago, and never imagined the results he would achieve. He once shied away from photographs, but today, he's featured on posters and advertising materials for Medical Weight Loss Clinic. Tony has lost more than 73 pounds while following a program that is right for him.

“I never thought I would be an inspiration to others, but now I find myself always talking about my success and the program,” Tony says. “I have inspired others to make the change and to start their journey to a healthier life style. I am so glad I made that call in June of 2016.”

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Tony had reached a point in his health where he knew he needed support to turn it all around. “I was at a really low place with how I felt about myself and how big I was,” he says. “Nothing I tried worked to get the weight off - and keep it off. I couldn't stand the way I felt or looked.”

He reached out to Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s White Lake location after hearing a commercial on the radio during his lunch break. “Something hit me and I thought ‘I should try it.’ I called right there and set up an appointment.”

From that moment, Tony began a journey to wellness that has changed his life for the better. That journey involves a lot of support from the clinic, friends and family. And it has boosted his confidence too.

Prior to Medical Weight Loss Clinic, Tony had never tried a program that was not offered for free. The commitment of time and money was well worth the effort, he says. He felt invested in getting results - and failure was no longer an option. “I was going to be 50 the following year,” says Tony. “I wanted to feel and look my best at 50.”

His first meeting inspired confidence that Medical Weight Loss Clinic was the right program for him.  “After meeting with Emily at the clinic I thought maybe I could do this because, I wouldn't be counting calories and they would be teaching the right way to eat and get healthy,” he recalls. “This was not a diet, it was a lifestyle change.”

Once he saw the program, Tony realized he could still eat most of the foods he was eating. He learned when and how much to eat. And the program offered plenty of positive reinforcement.

“Right from the initial consultation, I felt they wanted me to succeed,” Tony recalls.

And succeed he has. His life has changed. At the start of his program, he required medications to regulate his cholesterol and blood pressure. Today, he does not need medications and only sees the doctor for an annual physical.

“I attribute all this to the program and what it has taught me and continues to teach me,” he says.

After 3 years, Tony is still invested in the program and still faithfully weighs-in once a week. It hasn’t always been easy. He said food temptations are the biggest challenge, but one he feels he can overcome.

“There are times it is still hard, but now I have the resources and knowledge from Medical Weight Loss Clinic, on how to deal with the temptations,” Tony adds.

His picture of success is truly about more than weight loss.

“I look at pictures of what I used to look like and find it hard to believe how much I changed - not only on the outside, but on the inside as well,” he says. “I am more confident in myself.  I feel great, have more energy and have become more adventurous in trying new physical activities, that there is no way I would have ever considered doing. 

“So far, I have tried kayaking, went hiking and zip lining in the mountains.  My future accomplishments are to continue my success in living my healthy life and trying new adventures.”

Tony plans to tackle a half marathon, white water rafting and sky diving. Now in his 50’s, the best is yet to come.

If you are ready to make healthy changes in your life to lose weight, and you want a supportive team who truly cares about your success beside you, contact Medical Weight Loss Clinic today. Book your free consultation here or call us at 248-353-8446.