Planning a Low-Sodium Thanksgiving

Updated: 11/9/23

Low Sodium Thanksgiving

When selecting ingredients for our favorite Thanksgiving dishes, it's important to review food labels and make healthy choices.  While the focus in reading food labels is often on fat and sugar content, pay attention to sodium content as well!

Here's 6 quick tips to help you enjoy a low-sodium, low-sugar Thanksgiving:

1. Select a fresh (not frozen) turkey that is not injected with a sodium brine. Watch out for the words "saline", "broth" or "sodium".  Always check the nutrition labels on food and compare brands to select the option with the lowest sodium, fat and sugar content.

2. Highlight the natural flavor in foods by seasoning with fresh herbs, spices and citrus juices instead of salt and butter - do not use any salt-based seasonings.

3. Avoid using marshmallows on pumpkin dishes - opt for cinnamon, clove and ginger instead.

4. Serve baked fruit for dessert instead of pie.

5. Use citrus juices or apple cider vinegar in cooking and topping vegetables, instead of butter.

6. Substitute bread with quinoa in your stuffing dish.

Happy Thanksgiving!