Watermelon and Strawberry Salad

Savor the flavors of summer - sweet, tart, and minty!


Watermelon and Strawberry Salad

2 Fruits
1 Vegetable 

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack 2.0 meal plans only

1 cup Watermelon, cubed
½ cup Strawberries, sliced
¼ medium Onion, finely minced
½ small Tomato, chopped
3 Mint leaves, torn or julienned
1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
Ground Black Pepper, to taste  

In a bowl, gently combine watermelon, strawberries, onion and tomato. Add apple cider vinegar and gently combine once more.  Sprinkle with black pepper and shredded mint leaves. Serve immediately.