Why we’re in favor of a medically-supervised approach to wellness


There is a common misconception that dieting is easy. All it takes is a slight change to the food you eat and – voila! – extra pounds will melt away and you’ll be able to fit into that outfit you bought for your high school reunion.

If only it was that easy. The fact is: dieting is difficult.

Individuals who want to lose weight often think they can do it on their own. And if that doesn’t work, no diet will work either. It doesn’t have to be that way.

At Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we take an approach grounded in nutrition and medicine to help you reach wellness or weight loss goals.

“Losing weight is not only a physical challenge, your psyche can get put through the wringer during the process,” said Tracy Strieter-Mandrik, wellness and development coordinator with Medical Weight Loss Clinics. “We have the personnel on hand to help make this fight easier.”

We look at obesity as a medical condition and have the ability to treat it, as such, with a medical solution.

Depending on a patient's individual health and goals, our doctors may prescribe a safe and effective appetite suppressant to help achieve weight loss. Patients in our prescription therapy program see a medical provider once a month who helps them treat their obesity through a program backed by medical science.  And this support comes in addition to our personalized counseling services. The combination ensures that patients are working toward meeting their weight loss goal – and maintaining a healthier approach to life.

If you’ve tried everything and can’t get the results you’re looking for, look to Medical Weight Loss Clinic to see how our medical approach can help. Book a free consultation at 248-353-8446 or schedule online here.