6 Ways to Give Your Yard an Eco-Friendly Makeover

With the arrival of spring, here are some landscaping ideas to contribute to the overall health of the planet, turning your yard into the perfect “green” space.

  1. Attract bees and butterflies. If you have a garden, you will want these pollinators in your yard. Planting a diverse array of native plants with a staggered bloom that bees and butterflies are attracted to will draw them to your yard all spring, summer or fall. Your local nursery will be able to help make suggestions.

  2. Welcome bats as the organic pest-control powerhouses they are. Bat houses for these flying mammals with a creepy reputation on your property will help you control pests.

  3. Go native with wildflowers and grasses. Cut back on mowing the grass and add some wildflowers and grasses native to Michigan. Check with your nursery, as some may grow too easily and become invasive.

  4. Plant your own salad. Increase the biodiversity of your yard by starting your own garden. You’ll save money, get exercise and enjoy the fresh fruits (and veggies) of your own labor.

  5. Harvest water from the sky. Install a rain barrel to capture any falling precipitation.

  6. Lower your cooling cost with trees. They help clean the air, provide shade and beauty, and can help reduce home cooling costs in the summer depending on how they are planted.


Link to original article:  http://www.ahealthiermichigan.org/2017/04/06/6-ways-to-give-your-yard-an-eco-friendly-makeover/