February is American Heart Month


Did you know that an average of 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day?  That’s an average of one death every 40 seconds.  Fortunately, we can make a change in these numbers!

February is ‘American Heart Month‘, which focuses on educating individuals about heart disease and stroke, what the risk factors are, and how to prevent these conditions.

The best way to achieve a lower risk of heart disease and stroke is by eating a heart healthy diet, in proper portions, and by being regularly physically active.  February is the perfect time to start making small changes to your lifestyle, that can lead to a lifetime of heart health.

Here are a few ways to celebrate 'American Heart Month':

  • Encourage your family to make small diet changes with you, for example, swapping salt out with other spices to season meals.

  • Schedule a visit with your doctor, and talk about heart health! Knowing your numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose) is important in determining your risk for heart disease. Don't be afraid to ask questions!

  • Exercise regularly. Start small, for example parking farther away at the store.

  • Eat healthy! Follow your meal plan, and include variety.

  • If you smoke, work on quitting!

Looking for a fun way to get active?  Join the MWLC Walking Team at the 2018 Michigan AHA Heartwalk!  Register Here:  http://mwlc.com/Community_Events.php