10 Thirst Quenching Foods to Help Keep You Hydrated

During the warmer months, there are plenty of flavorful fruits and veggies that you can enjoy. Not only are they filled with water, they are filled with fiber and phytonutrients that can help protect your body from harmful free-radicals linked to chronic conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Take advantage of seasonal produce and get your list ready! Here are are our top 10 favorite most hydrating foods to keep on hand this summer.

  1. CANTALOUPE are 90% water but also contain vitamin A, electrolytes and carotenoids. Mix this with a peppery arugula and orange for a spicy and sweet salad perfect for summer.

  2. CELERY is 95% water and contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and at least 12 additional kinds of antioxidant nutrients that can be found in a single stalk. It’s crunch is so satisfying - add it to chicken salad or tuna salad.

  3. CUCUMBER is a great source of vitamin K which is instrumental in blood clotting. At 95% water, add cucumber slices to water or toss with fresh tomato, onion and apple cider vinegar for a quick and easy salad.

  4. GRAPES are 81% water and full of antioxidants. Red grapes contain resveratrol, which may keep heart disease and certain cancers at bay. Freeze them in a ziplock baggy and add them to your cooler. They’ll keep your items cold and provide a healthy snack.

  5. ORANGES are known for being packed with vitamin c which supports a healthy immune system and also has a role in collagen production which can help keep our skin looking young. At 87% water, they are the perfect snack at the park or after sports practice.

  6. PINEAPPLE are full of antioxidants like vitamin C, manganese and bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps support a healthy immune system and digestion in addition to breaking down protein molecules. They are 86% water and perfect for salsa served over grilled pork or fish.

  7. STRAWBERRIES may not look like it, but they are 91% water. They are high in vitamin C and can be easily added to a smoothie, yogurt, or salad.

  8. TOMATOES contain 95% water and high amounts of lycopene, which helps fight free radicals and decrease inflammation in your body. Stuff it with brown rice or add it to a salad or pasta - you can’t go wrong!

  9. WATERMELON is comprised of 92@ water and contains vitamins such as C, A and magnesium which can keep us healthy and reduce risk for some chronic diseases. Watermelon is great pureed and poured into popsicle molds or spread yogurt on a thin wedge and top with fresh berries for a slice of fruit pizza.

  10. ZUCCHINI is a versatile vegetable that is 94% water. You can grill, sautee, bake or grate it. Spiralize it and toss with a fresh tomato basil sauce and top with your favorite lean protein.