5 Tips to Sleep Better

Updated: 3/17/22

Research indicates that lack of proper sleep and poor sleep quality can contribute to weight gain and obesity, and slow weight loss while following a diet. The amount you need depends on your age and lifestyle. As few as six hours or as many as 11 hours may be appropriate for some people although most adults need seven to nine hours. 

Try these 5 tips to help you achieve the right amount of sleep.

1. Cut the caffeine!  Stick to 2 cups or less of caffeinated coffee and tea per day.  Even small amounts of caffeine in the afternoon or evening can make it harder to rest when it's time for bed. Keep water near your bed as dehydration is the primary cause of shallow sleep.

2.  Clear your mind!  Have too much on your mind?  Wind down without electronics. Practice meditation, jot down your thoughts in a notebook next to bed, or listen to calming music to put aside your worries from the day.

3.  Get comfortable!  Make your bedroom an ideal place to fall asleep.  Avoid computers, cell phones, and TVs an hour before bed, and dim any night lights.  The bright lights can trick your brain into thinking it's earlier in the day. Take a warm bath or shower.  Make your bed comfortable, get the room temperature how you like it, and relax.

4.  Stick to a schedule!  Set a time to go to bed and wake up each day, and stick to those scheduled times.  Move your alarm clock across the room if you have trouble passing up the snooze button.  This helps get your body's internal clock get on a  healthy routine.

5.  Get active!  Exercise daily - but finish up your workout at least a few hours before bedtime.  Research* has found that regular exercise can improve sleep quality.

More Information About Sleep and Obesity Here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3632337/

*Source:  http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2010/09/aerobic-exercise-relieves-insomnia.html