According to, it is almost time to start harvesting these fall favorites!
Apples are Michigan’s #1 most valuable fruit crop, with a value of over $100,000,000 annually to the apple grower.
There are over 8 million apple trees, covering 41,000 acres, on 1,000 farms throughout Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Michigan expects to harvest 18 million bushels of apples annually.
Apples are the largest fruit crop grown in Michigan. Michigan produced over 1.25 billion pounds of fruit in 2004 including apples, tart cherries, sweet cherries, blueberries, peaches, grapes, strawberries, pears and plums. Just over 60 percent of that amount was apples, which totaled 760 million pounds.
Small family farmers who operate their own orchards dominate the Michigan apple industry. According to recent statistics, 99 percent of Michigan orchards had fewer than 100 acres in apples.
Longtime favorite varieties still dominate Michigan’s orchards. The most prevalent variety remains the Red Delicious, followed closely by the Golden Delicious. The Gala or Royal Gala apple is rapidly gaining on tradition, however.
What is your favorite kind of Apple? What is your favorite Apple recipe?