How to keep your produce fresh

Whether you buy your produce at the grocery store or local farmer’s market, you should know how to reduce waste by keeping it all fresh by following these tips.


PLAN IT OUT: Make a list of all of your produce and a tentative plan of what you will do with it. Veggie bowls, salads, stir fry - these are all wonderful ways to make a delicious meal with the produce you have on hand.

WHAT SPOILS FIRST: Berries, ripe tomatoes, light leafy greens (like butter lettuce, baby spinach) are likely to spoil before other items so they should be used first. Root vegetables, hearty greens (like brussels sprouts or kale), and apples will last much longer.

FREEZE IT: Not sure you will be able to use it all before it goes bad? Don’t worry! You can freeze them for later so you can enjoy your items all season long. Soups are great for freezing and makes for a simple dinner that you can easily reheat.