We are excited to announce that patients can revamp their meal plan with the expanded options of 10 new foods recently approved for Medical Weight Loss Clinic programs.
Our team listened to patient requests, reviewed food trends and consulted the science to determine that acorn squash, arugula, bananas, butternut squash, clementines, green peas, kiwi, pears, snap/snow peas and spaghetti squash should be added to our plans.
Yes, you can have banana on a Medical Weight Loss Clinic program. This and several other fruits and vegetables have been added into our plans.
“Often foods were not on plan either because of their small portion size, like banana, or due to how you eat the item,” said Training Director Tabitha Panetta, citing acorn and butternut squash recipes that often included excess sugar with honey, syrup or brown sugar.
“A reason for the additions is the more recent popularity of foods like arugula and spaghetti squash in the health and wellness circles,” she says. “There is nothing ‘wrong’ with these foods; they are just more popular now versus 10 years ago.”
She said the changes were prompted by patients asking for a review of a few foods, which started a chain reaction of the MWLC team questioning others.
“Not all foods made the cut, but we continued to compare some of the more common food item questions we receive,” Tabitha says. “Plus, it was just time for an update and who doesn’t want more options?”
More Options, More Flexibility
Tabitha notes that more food options mean more recipes and meal ideas, which is especially helpful for pickier eaters. Adding more fruits and vegetables means increasing the options when it comes to eating in season too.
Tips for incorporating the new foods include adding banana to smoothies, subbing spaghetti squash for pasta and enjoying snow peas for a crunchy snack or in a stir fry.
Tabitha says there is no need to be more cautious about the new foods than any other but that it’s important to visit your clinic on a regular basis to ensure everything stays on track. Food like bananas — which are on the higher end of the spectrum regarding sugar in fruit and have a low serving size — can be easier to overconsume.
“We can assist if we feel there is a direct correlation between a lack of progress and the adding or amount of any food choice,” she says. “This is something that we would address based on the individual and their unique circumstances.”
To learn about our customized programs and how you can enjoy healthy, delicious and satisfying meals while losing weight, contact us for a free consultation at MWLC.com.