Medical Weight Loss Clinic staff has a few Halloween tricks to avoid treats

Halloween poses its challenges for those avoiding treats. Find out how to celebrate in a healthy way.

Halloween poses its challenges for those avoiding treats. Find out how to celebrate in a healthy way.

Whether you are losing weight or maintaining it, Halloween doesn’t have to be a time to hide out in fear of all the temptations out there! At Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we have a few tricks to share that will help you stay healthy at Halloween.

First, be sure to get all the food from your meal plan in daily, especially on the day before and on Halloween. It can seem like candy is everywhere you look around that time, and it’s easier to avoid temptations when you’re not hungry.

When you do want to snack, turn to your MWLC protein bars rather than candy. You can dice the bars into small pieces and keep them in snack bags. Carry a bag with you and fill a candy dish at home so you have a candy bar-like snack when a craving strikes.

When it comes to trick-or-treating, there are several ways you can prepare that will help you stay on track with your nutrition and also excite the kids at your door.

Put thought into what you’ll pass out to trick-or-treaters — there are alternative options to candy you can consider. Ideas for candy swaps that kids will still love include glow sticks, spider rings, spooky fake tattoos, stickers, pencils and sugar-free gum.

If you do opt for candy for trick-or-treaters, purchase types that aren’t your favorite, so you’ll be less likely to grab pieces for yourself.

Out of sight, out of mind can be a powerful thing too, so don’t bring the candy into your house until it’s time to pass it out. You may also want to have someone else like a spouse or friend pass out the candy at your house.

Finally, when the holiday is done and you’ve made it through the most tempting time, get rid of any leftover candy right away. It’s also possible to donate leftover Halloween candy to charitable causes such as U.S. troops overseas. Many dentist offices also offer candy buy-back programs where kids can earn cash or prizes in exchange for candy donations.

Have a safe, happy and healthy Halloween.

If you’re ready to start your weight loss journey with support through the holidays and beyond, schedule your free, one-on-one consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.