How to stay motivated and meet your health goals with Medical Weight Loss Clinic

We know no two people are the same. That’s why the customized weight loss support at Medical Weight Loss Clinic is crucial to helping you achieve your goals.

“A personalized plan is important because weight loss is different for everyone,” says Royal Oak clinic consultant Linda Simon. “We do a personalized plan that’s based on the gender, health, age, and of course, weight, for everyone who comes in here so they can have the optimal weight loss benefit.”  

She likes to remind patients that it’s a marathon, not a race.

Linda says patients find it helpful to have a big picture goal in mind, like getting into clothes you don’t fit into now or looking and feeling your best at a big event like a vacation, your child’s wedding or a class reunion.

“Those are huge goal setters and motivators,” Linda says.

Let Medical Weight Loss Clinic help you reach your health goals this year.

How to Stay Motivated

Key to achieving the ultimate goal is meeting smaller goals along the way, weekly and monthly. These goals can be about inches and weight lost — Linda suggests trying on a piece of clothing from your closet that’s tight and see how you progress each week — but also about lifestyle and habit changes.

“They have to have goals throughout the program so they stay motivated,” Linda says. 

She says seeing the numbers come down on the scale is always the biggest reward for patients, but not everyone loses weight at the same rate. Some may see the scale stay steady until a drop at the end of the week. The MWLC team will help you manage your feelings and expectations and set weekly goals beyond your weight.

Weekly goals may be to drink more water, consume less coffee, eat breakfast, increase your daily steps, plan and prep meals in advance, and even to prioritize yourself. And the Medical Weight Loss Clinic team is always ready with tips for how to achieve these goals. They’ll also help you prepare for what to eat on vacation or when entertaining, even reviewing restaurant menus with you to help you feel prepared to make healthy choices and stick to your goals.

“Your life doesn’t stop when you’re on our program,” Linda says. 

With food being such a common reward, consultants encourage you to seek other types of rewards for when you achieve these goals, like treating yourself to a pedicure or massage.

These regular goals support building healthy habits that will help carry you to your ultimate weight loss goal and beyond.

“The changes that you’re making today will be lifelong changes,” Linda says. “That’s the beauty of our program. Once you lose the weight and you’ve gotten to your goal weight, you want to continue to do the things you learned coming to our program, because that’s how it’s going to help you keep your weight off.”

To learn how Medical Weight Loss Clinic can help you achieve your own weight loss goals with a customized plan, sign up for a free consultation today at