Table Salt vs. Himalayan Salt

Table Salt versus Himalayan Pink Salt - Is Himalayan Salt healthier for you?

Himalayan salt is rock salt from the Punjab region of Pakistan. Himalayan Salt consists of 95-98% sodium chloride and 2-4% polyhalite (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, oxygen, hydrogen).  Recently, many individuals use Himalayan salt for cooking or garnishing foods.

Himalayan salt’s chemical properties are close to that of table salt, but it differs in that it's unrefined and unprocessed.. The colors of the salt crystals are off white, while the pink or reddish colors in the veins of the crystals are its mineral impurities.

Because Himalayan salt is unrefined and contains impurities (minerals that are essential for the human body), it’s often thought of as a healthier alternative compared to table salt – this is not the case! The amount of minerals in Himalayan salt is too minimal to make a difference in our diet and we already consume plenty of the same nutrients and elements in our daily fruits, vegetables, etc. The more salt you consume, in any form, the more fluid you retain and the harder your heart has to work to pump blood, which increases blood pressure.  Overall, it's best to avoid Himalayan salt, even if it's advertised as a healthier form of sodium.