Yes! You can snack while on your Medical Weight Loss Clinic program

When we’re working hard to lose weight, so many factors come into play. A healthier weight comes from a balance of lifestyle changes. It’s not just which foods we eat or how much exercise we get – though those are important pieces. Jamie Parnell, manager at the White Lake location of Medical Weight Loss Clinic, says when we eat can also impact our progress.

Medical Weight Loss Clinic patients may be surprised to find out snacking – the right way – is encouraged for a healthier diet.

Patients who seek the guidance of our professional staff may be surprised to find out that snacking is allowed on the Medical Weight Loss Clinic plan.


“Snacking between meals is encouraged with healthy choices,” Jamie says.

In some cases, she adds, it will even help with weight loss!

It all comes down to nurturing your metabolism - the chemical reactions that change the food we consume into the energy we need every day. It turns out, when we snack can be nearly as important as what kind of foods we consume each day when it comes to weight loss or maintenance. Don’t wait until hunger strikes.

“Eating every couple of hours improves your metabolism,” Jamie says. “It also helps with digestion and prevents you from feeling too full.”

Of course, continuous snacking isn’t recommended. It doesn’t allow your digestion time to do its work. Yet, planning to eat a healthy meal or snack every 2 to 4 hours can keeps patients satisfied and able to make better food choices.

“Vegetables and fruits are great to snack on when you’re hungry,” Jamie adds. “They provide your body energy and are high in fiber to keep you fuller longer. Snacking on foods that are low in sugar and calories are always healthy choices.”

Sugary or processed foods might sound enticing. While they might provide an initial boost of energy, without any nutritious value, they work against our healthy goals. Instead, find inspiration for your next snack among our recipes or supplements.

When it comes to snacking, it’s best to stick to daytime hours. There’s a scientific reason why.

“We recommend you stop eating about 2 hours before bed to make sure your body has time to burn off foods as energy instead of storing them as fat,” Jamie says.

Keep these simple snacking tips in mind to keep your metabolism and digestion working toward a healthier weight. Let us know how it’s going.

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