
Bobbie's Blog: Before & After - One Year Later, Lessons Learned From Weight Loss

Why did I wait? I should have done this sooner?” spoken by the woman who hadn’t been to a gynecologist in 25 years and never had a mammogram. In January, my mother had surgery to remove three ribs and a large cancerous tumor. My mother, the amazing woman who could wrangle four grandchildren and work 14 hour days as a nurse. She never invested in herself, always putting everyone else first.  And with this admission, she taught me a great lesson:  I NEED to invest in myself, my health and well-being. No more canceling dentist appointments or putting off annual appointments because I’m "busy". Today matters and it’s not selfish to take care of myself.

I make a lot of excuses, “I don’t have time, it’s expensive, or it will be hard.” Perhaps, it’s the mom in me or seeing my own mother selfless in her career and family that perpetuates these emotions.  Thankful for the journey I’ve experienced in the past year, it’s amazing how one life-changing appointment at Medical Weight Loss Clinic could make such a profound impact on my life.

May 2013 Beach Vacation with baby #3 - 196 lbs and holding until I decided to join MWLC in May 2015!

Four sizes smaller, 45 pounds less and feeling more like myself in years, I’m emotional thinking back to last year.  In a year’s time, I achieved what I couldn’t do on my own—it's become much more than a physical transformation. Still battling a sense of guilt at times to make time for me, I know it’s OUR future--my family, kids and husband that will thank me later.  Family is a constant reminder to invest in our health and well-being because what good are you to those you love if you don’t take care of yourself?

Happily, I celebrated Mother’s Day with my mom and we are both embracing health with a new found attitude.

Stop putting off today what you can do tomorrow. You’ll thank yourself later.  Who knows - in a year’s time, you could be filming a Medical Weight Loss Clinic commercial like me! What a fun way to celebrate my one year anniversary!

What a fun day!


Bobbie's Blog: Bored With Water? Get Creative!

My counter top reminder!

After my clinic visit last week, I realized I need to re-focus my efforts on my water intake. I bought a 2 gallon jug with a spout. I filled it with water and lemons and placed it on my counter, only because I couldn’t get the Gatorade Cooler in the house! It’s a reminder to drink my water–which I consistently have to work on. I would much rather have coffee, beer or soda in my cup than water and the consequences usually appear in a physical manner.

The difference in my skin is noticeable and the scale certainly reflects whether or not I’m properly hydrated. I even attribute the headaches I frequently had to dehydration since they have been eradicated since drinking more water.

With summer approaching, I am pledging to get back on track. Here are things I did when I started the program and am re-visiting:

BYOB: Find a water bottle you love, mine have spouts or straws. Bring it everywhere—work, the car, the gym! You’ll prevent the incidental slip up of a beverage you don’t want to drink or end up thirsty. If it has ounces on it, you can measure how much you’re drinking as well.

Accessorize: Use a straw–you will be amazed how much more you drink! Or try drinking water in a wine glass, makes it festive and functional for a change.

Infuse With Flavor: Infuse your water with fruit, throw a handful of strawberries, pineapple and lemons in water and let it sit in the fridge. You will have a refreshing and naturally flavored water. Pinterest has tons of infusion recipes.

Bedtime Ritual: Warm water before bed in your favorite mug with lemon is very calming and you will sleep better! It also keeps me from snacking at night.

Crushed vs. Cubed: Have your ice your way, my mom loves crushed ice for a super cold frosty drink.

Water On The Rocks, Please. Your wallet will thank you every time you go to a restaurant and order water instead of a soda–$2 adds up!


Refreshing & naturally flavored!

Bottoms up!
