Creamy Corn Soup

Creamy Corn Soup

1 Vegetable
1 Starch
1 Nutritional Supplement

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans

¼ cup Corn
½ medium Onion, minced
1 MWLC Cream of Chicken Soup Nutritional Supplement, prepared
1 Tbsp chopped fresh Rosemary (or 1 tsp. dried Rosemary)
Dash of White Pepper, to taste
Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray
Rosemary sprigs

In a small saucepan, cook the onion for 3 minutes )or until soft) in a saucepan sprayed with non-stick cooking spray, stirring frequently.  Add the corn and cook for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally.   Prepare the soup according to package directions. Add the sup and rosemary and bring to a boil over low to medium-low heat. Add a dash of white pepper to taste.

Transfer the hot soup to a bowl and use an immersion stick blender to puree, or process the soup in a blender, venting the lid.  Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and serve.