Erika's Cherry Lemon Pudding Tart

Updated: 8/31/23

It's National Dessert Month and we โค Dessert!  Erika's Cherry Lemon Pudding Tart caps off a meal perfectly!

๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‹ Erika's Cherry Lemon Pudding Tart ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‹

1 Fruit
2 Nutritional Supplements
1 Fiber

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans

1 MWLC Tangy Lemon Pudding Nutritional Supplement
1 MWLC Cherry Gelatin Fiber Fulfill
9 medium fresh Cherries, mashed
1 MWLC Lemon Meringue Bar, crumbled

Prepare the cherry gelatin per the instructions on the packet and pour the gelatin mixture into the bottom of a small glass pan.

Once refrigerated as directed and the gelatin has set, prepare the tangy lemon pudding per the instructions on the packet and spread the pudding evenly over top of the gelatin.

In a small mixing bowl, take a fork and mash the cherries for about 5 minutes. Add the mashed cherries and the juice and gently cover the entire top of the pudding.

Lastly, take the lemon meringue bar crumbles and spread them evenly across the top of the cherries. Enjoy!