Teenagers and weight loss Izaak and Ben are the two youngest out of our five children. They joined Medical Weight Loss Clinic with my husband Mike and I. At age 17 and 18, Izaak and Ben are our last two children living at home with us. Their older brother and sisters are off on their own with their own families. The four of us decided as a family to clean out the house, lose weight and learn to eat what our bodies needed to be healthy.
Izaak, the baby, is my homebody. He’s quiet and loves hanging out at home with the family. Marching Band is his social time with friends and this is his third year marching for his high school. Since joining Medical Weight Loss Clinic, Izaak has lost 52 pounds. He told me, “Marching in the hot heat at summer camp and all of the football games was so much easier this year after losing weight.”
Ben is the social one out of my boys. He’s always on the go. Like me, Ben has always struggled with weight and maintaining good eating habits. We LOVE FOOD! After deciding not to play sports this year, Ben’s weight climbed. When I asked Ben what his goal was, he said, “I need to keep trying. I want to get this weight off.”
Our biggest support system is the staff at the Clinton Township location. They helped the boys put together a customized menu that made the program work during their school days. Ben and Izaak both say, “School is easy now. Our biggest struggle is the weekend and when we’re out with friends.” Our team at Medical Weight Loss Clinic help the boys make wiser choices when ordering out with friends. They educate them on how to pick their protein, starch, etc. so they stick as close to the plan as possible. For example, the boys struggle with pasta and chips. A good substitute has been Special K™ chips. Another great substitute the boys have learned is replacing pop and energy drinks with tea. New favorites now are sauteed peppers, onions, and mushrooms with every dinner.
When I ask them if they had any tips for staying motivated through the cold weather, "The best way to stay on track is to keep busy and drink lots of water."
There are weeks that have been a struggle for them. They’re teenagers! The best thing I can do is keep encouraging and reminding them of the awesome accomplishment they’ve made by sticking with it and that every bit of effort counts!