Whether you’re home alone or with the family, there are easy ways to stay active. | Photo by Jon Flobrant via Unsplash
As we all strive to stay healthy while navigating the changing times of self-quarantine and isolation, movement may be our best bet. Whether you’re home alone, with a loved one or surrounded by family, there are ways to incorporate more movement and exercise into each day. And staying active can have benefits you might never have expected.
Abby Nyitray, manager of Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s Toledo location, says there are ways to enhance your exercise and increase movement a little each day. It all works together with our healthy habits to bring about a sense of accomplishment and to encourage a positive mindset.
She shared a few easy ways to make movement and exercise a part of each day.
The easiest way to add in exercise that anyone can do – is to “walk, walk, walk” she says.
Plan a daily walk alone or with those in your household. Try new routes and discover your neighborhood from a whole new perspective.
If you have outdoor space, remember that yard work is exercise, too. Weed the garden. Sweep the drive way.
“Just stand out in the sun do arms circles or sit in your favorite chair and do leg lifts,” Abby suggests. “Enjoy the sun whenever possible. Vitamin D is good for both physical and mental health.”
Stuck inside due to inclement weather? There are good options for that too.
“One thing I like to do is exercise during commercial breaks,” Abby says. “If you are watching TV, every commercial break is a chance to do a different exercise.”
On the first break, try sit ups. On the second break, do arm circles. Try squats during the next break. It's easy to do anything for a few minutes. And using this time to move, rather than grab a snack will increase your total activity throughout the day.
“Another good idea,” Abby suggests, “while washing hands, do calf raises. Every little bit helps.”
And at a time when we’re all working to stay healthy, it’s important to remember that physical health and mental health go hand-in-hand.
“If we get down on ourselves, we won't want to be active,” Abby says. “Being active helps your immune system.”
You don’t have to have a home gym to get these benefits, either. This is a great time to get creative at home. Make the most of the stairs inside your home on a rainy day. Climb them or use them for touches on the bottom step.
Use a couch or chair as a support as you try arm dips. Seek out laundry detergent containers, jars of food or fill an empty milk jug with water and you’ve got free weights to use while streaming your favorite movie.
“Possibilities are endless,” says Abby.
When it comes to entertaining children, adding in more movement can be a fun activity for the whole family or a chance for them to take a break from studying. “Teach them how to play classics like Duck, Duck, Goose or Catch,” Abby says. “Challenge them to a wall sit contest or any simple exercise. Kids love competition.”
The key to making movement a priority is to start out by setting a short simple list of goals. These don’t have to be high expectations either. Keep your goals within reason. You can always add to them.
Abby says: “Crossing something off the list brings a huge sense of accomplishment. And if you do something extra - that's not on your list - write it down and cross it off. Give yourself all the credit you deserve.”
Stay active and get connected with Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s resources anytime at mwlc.com.