Herb Ice Cubes

Updated: 5/23/18

Looking for a way to add flavor to your beverages or an easy way to add flavor to your next meal?  Try adding fresh herb ice cubes!

Freezing is a simple and excellent way to preserve fresh herbs.  Freezing herbs makes it easy to always have fresh herbs on hand to use in cooking meals and for beverages.  If a recipe calls for broth, instead use plain water mixed with fresh herbs and spices to avoid extra sodium.  You can also toss pre-made herb ice cubes into sauces and soups if broth is called for or if you want to add extra flavor.

To Make Herb Ice Cubes:
Wash herb(s) of choice gently and dry.  Mince herb(s) by hand or in a food processor.  Place minced herb(s) into ice cube tray (about 2 Tbsp. per cube), filling each cube about 3/4 full.  Fill tray with boiling water (this will blanch the herbs, helping them retain their fresh flavor and color), then freeze.  Once frozen, place cubes in freezer bags and store.  When ready to use, just simply drop in an ice cube while cooking!  This is a great way to make the most of your herb garden's bounty!


Suggested Herbs to Use: