Ever wonder how Medical Weight Loss Clinic patients stay on track and reach their goals?
We support you on your healthy journey. And our patients’ success is proof that it works.
There’s no one secret to moving the scale in the right direction. There are so many ways to tap into a healthier you – and our professional staff is here to help you find the best program to fit your lifestyle. We asked some of our patients and staff what keeps them on track.
Chesterfield resident Cate Monroe lost 100 pounds with Medical Weight Loss Clinic. She says she stayed motivated by coming into the clinic to see our staff and stepping on the scale. Seeing it go down pound-by-pound made a real difference for her.
“It felt like I had my own personal cheerleaders cheering me on and they helped hold me accountable to continue to lose the weight,” Cate says. “Each and every pound lost meant that I was closer to my goal!”
Stick with the program
We know temptation is bound to strike. But our patients stay on their customized programs in spite of it. Ever wonder how they are able to do it?
Carla Fields says all she needs is a little photo inspiration.
“ I look at photos of me at my ideal bodyweight,” she says. “I ask myself, ‘If I eat this, would it assist me in looking like I do in this photo?’ If the answer is No, I keep it in mind and make another choice.
For Cate, being honest with friends and family about what she could and would not eat was a game-changer. By setting those boundaries, she felt supported by her loved ones.
“My friends and family knew to have healthier options when I was with them and it helped me by knowing that people were watching me,” she says. “When I am alone, I hold myself accountable and I never went off the path with food or drink that I shouldn't eat. I worked hard to lose just one pound and I knew that if I ate something that I shouldn't - I'd have to work even harder to continue to lose weight.”
Lessons learned
For each of us, a healthy journey can look different. That’s why we personalize programs to fit the needs of each patient. And as they begin to see results, they make some life-changing moves to maintain it, too.
“Once I begin thinking about food, I immediately change my thoughts to other things to get my mind off it, says Cate. “I also learned to eat more often, 6 times a day, instead of my old eating habits of 1-2 meals a day. I wasn't eating enough, which caused me to binge eat when I got the chance! And, while I was binging, I ate food that was unhealthy and not good for me.”
When temptation strikes, Carla also identifies those thoughts and switches her focus to something more beneficial.
“I hydrate with lots of water, do one hour of cardio, and remember I want to keep my A1C lab reports within normal range,” she says.
Corina Hotchkin, a mother of five and Medical Weight Loss Clinic patient-turned-employee, says she finds the program easy-to-follow. It helped her lose more than 100 pounds and now she has some healthy tricks up her sleeve.
“To avoid feeling deprived, eating off-plan or being tempted, I usually plan ahead and see what my day looks like,” she says. “If I’m going to be in a situation where I know there will be sweets, I’ll bring a Medical Weight Loss Clinic bar or bring my own food with me. That really helps keep me on plan. Also eating every couple hours helps me because I don’t feel hungry.”
Give it a try
“Medical Weight loss Clinic helped me change my relationship with food,” says Cate. “I no longer reward myself with a glass of wine or piece of cake. Instead, I reward myself with a pedicure or a new wardrobe. Food no longer has control over me like it did before.
Corina, who now works at our Jackson clinic where she began as a client, says she wished she had joined the program years before she finally did. It has improved her confidence and overall well-being.
“I thought I was eating healthy before but I was not,” she admits. “Medical Weight Loss Clinic taught me portion control. Also, all the new energy I have at my goal weight makes everything in life seem easier. Everything I do takes less effort.”
Are you ready to see your confidence soar, too? Medical Weight Loss Clinic programs are customized to meet your health goals. Find out more and be on your way to a healthy weight. Schedule your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.