Updated: 10/2/23
Are you a Caramel lover? Satisfy your sweet tooth with our Chocolate Caramel Nut Cake recipe!
Chocolate Caramel Nut Cake
5 Nutritional Supplements
3 Bars
3 MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement
2 MWLC Cappuccino Nutritional Supplement
2 MWLC Brownie with Caramel Bar
1 MWLC Sweet and Salty Bar
Suitable for Freedom meal plans only
Create pancake mixture per the packet instructions, add a couple drops of vanilla extract, then microwave both halves separately.
Microwave the snack bar for 1 minute in water and then blend the melted bar with the cappuccino nutritional supplement. Grind up 1 sweet and salty snack bar and coat the cake. Enjoy!