When it comes to getting healthier, it can feel like men have an edge over women who take the same steps to lose weight. The team at Medical Weight Loss Clinic hear patients say “men lose weight faster than women” all the time. And in a sense, they say, it’s true.
Tyler Stachnik, Medical Weight Loss Clinic manager in Warren, says his staff sees how different it is for men and women to lose weight - and just how well their customized healthy programs do work
Tyler Stachnik, Medical Weight Loss Clinic manager in Warren, admits there are plenty of differences between men and women when it comes to losing weight.
“Let's start with metabolism,” he says. “The average male has a faster metabolism. Here at Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we take that into account when we are reviewing different programs for our patients. The hormone Testosterone plays a big role in burning fat and building muscle in men.”
The more fat you have, as a male, will decrease your testosterone levels. This is why some men feel sluggish and tired – and it’s one reason why they decide to lose weight.
Hormones also play a role as women embark on a healthy journey. Tyler notes that as women age or enter menopause, their metabolism tends to slow down. That can make it challenging to drop extra pounds. And, a weight loss journey can take longer for a woman compared to a man who might have similar health goals.
“We know how to counteract this process,” Tyler says. For men or women, by following a custom plan and receiving personalized support, he assures, it is possible to reach those weight loss and health goals.
This is definitely something to keep in mind for those who choose to lose weight with a friend or as a couple. Tyler says it’s always beneficial when both a husband and wife choose to join Medical Weight Loss Clinic and embark on a new program together.
“One thing we do is set different weekly goals for each one and this helps keep both motivated,” he said. “We don't want them to see who can lose the most weight.”
When a couple comes in together, their plans are different, but the food recommendations will overlap.
“This will make meal prepping a lot easier, that way you don't have to cook different foods. The portion sizes will be tailored to each couples’ goals,” Tyler says.
Don’t hesitate. Grab a friend, family member or significant other and reach out today to Medical Weight Loss Clinic. Schedule your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.