Get ready to go Back to School with these tips from Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Dig out those backpacks and get ready to buy new folders and school supplies. Back to School Season is officially upon us and that means those busy fall routines, well they’re just around the corner.

Kids are headed back to school. Medical Weight Loss Clinic can help you manage the transition in a healthy way.

Swapping summer mode for school can be enough to throw our healthy habits out of whack but at Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Cindy Faubert Hayes is a mother of nine who has lost more than 50 pounds with Medical Weight Loss Clinic. She’s not ready to let summer go just yet, but has a plan to make that transition to Back to School go as smoothly as possible.

Plan ahead

Cindy has seven children headed back to school. That means every evening before or morning of school, she’s lining up lunch bags and adding in healthy foods that will keep the kids motivated and full throughout the school day.

She also cooks meals ahead of time. This summer, Cindy purchased a grill and has been in the habit of grilling up healthy proteins so they are accessible throughout the week. It helps her stay on track and eat the way she feels best, while also making it easier to prepare weeknight meals for her family.

Be an example

Cindy’s children eat an array of healthy foods. But they don’t always eat the exact same meal that she might require to stay on track and feeling her best. Cindy says she sometimes makes a separate meal for herself than she does for the family. But it’s not always the case.

By being open to trying new foods and a variety of healthy foods, parents like Cindy can encourage their children to make healthy food choices today, and in the future.

Eat the Rainbow

“The kids are good about snacks,” she says. “They’ll eat cucumber. They like fruit.”

Eating a rainbow of foods – fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains - is a great way to get a lot of healthy nutrition into school lunches. Avoiding sugary or carb-dense foods is important too.

There are a lot of ways to ramp up the healthy benefits in a lunch kids love. Try mini vegetable quiches in a muffin tin for quick healthy snacks or lunch items for the week. Roll up oven roasted turkey slices inside a spinach tortilla topped with hummus and add some fresh tomatoes. Take dinner leftovers like chicken or steak and assemble them into lettuce wraps for lunch. Top with mushrooms and carrots or your favorite chopped vegetables. A whole wheat pita pocket sandwich with chicken salad or turkey, lettuce, tomato and Dijon mustard can be a good option, too.

Eating the rainbow is easier than it sounds – and a healthy habit to practice at any age. Red foods, like apples, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, red onion and more give us protective antioxidants. Orange and yellow foods like peppers, oranges, peaches and sweet potatoes can be high in Vitamin A, C or folate which supports our red blood cells. Green foods like broccoli, cabbage, green beans, grapes and kale give us calcium for bone health and Vitamin B for energy. Blue and purple foods like beets, blueberries, eggplant and plums help us ward off disease-causing inflammation. White and brown foods like garlic, onions and ginger can boost our immune system. It takes a little bit of everything healthy to make us feel great.

Get some rest

While food is a focus when we’re switching into School Mode, Cindy says she’s most looking forward to getting the family back on a regular sleep schedule. Those late summer nights for her older children are about to end. “I’m ready for the regularity of it,” she says.

And sleep is key to maintaining health – at any age. It’s also important for those on a weight loss or maintenance program aiming to feel their best.

Get ready for Back to School and be your best self. Schedule your free consultation online. Reach out to Medical Weight Loss Clinic by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.