Lemon Meringue Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie


1 Starch
1 Nutritional Supplement
1 Bar

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans

1 MWLC Tangy Lemon Pudding Nutritional Supplement
1 MWLC Lemon Meringue Bar
1 serving Melba Toast, crushed

Place the lemon bar in a glass dish with 2-3 ounces of water. Microwave the bar and water for one minute, until soft. Stir the bar into the water and mix until they become a thick liquid.

Crush up serving of Melba toast and add 3/4 of the Melba toast to your melted bar. Mix together until thick. Place the mixture into a pie slice dish.

Create the lemon pudding per the instructions on the package and spread over top of the bar and Melba toast mixture. Use the last of the Melba toast and spread it over top of the lemon pudding.