Make those healthy habits stick at Medical Weight Loss Clinic

By this time in the year, many people tend to lose motivation to make their healthy New Year goals stick. The gym isn’t quite as full. Food cravings are starting to kick in. But the Medical Weight Loss Clinic staff can help.

It takes two months or more to make healthy habits stick.

The professionals here at Medical Weight Loss Clinic say it typically takes about two months for any new behavior to begin to feel automatic. That can vary for every person, every circumstance.

It’s one reason that we schedule a Personal Success Visit during our patient’s fourth week on a program. At this point, patients share feedback on how their program is working. This allows us the opportunity to make sure each patient is on track and receiving all the benefits the program has to offer.

The four-week mark is also a great time to adjust the patient’s plan to help assure their continuous weight loss success.

We recognize that it isn’t always easy to keep momentum moving forward on your own. That’s why having the Medical Weight Loss Clinic team in your corner can make all the difference. In addition to personal support, our programs feature nutritional supplements that can boost your own efforts.

Medical Weight Loss Clinic Nutritional Supplements can be a key ingredient to help our patients make healthy eating changes. They offer variety and help patients feel fuller between meals.  Supplements protect hair and nail growth, help skin elasticity, promote the loss of inches -  and due to the protein – they can boost patients’ metabolism by an extra 30 percent. 

Supplements come in tasty puddings, hearty soups, snack sized bars and more. We regularly share recipes and new ideas on how to incorporate these. Imagine indulging in pancakes and pasta without the guilt. 

In those moments when the struggle feels all too real, it’s possible to experience a setback. But we’re here to prevent one or help you work through it. Our staff works closely with patients to make adopting healthier eating habits an automatic part of life. It’s a process that occurs gradually, not overnight.

But it will happen.

Find out more about how Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s customized programs can help with your goals. Schedule your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.