Nutty Strawberry Banana Crepe

Nutty Strawberry Banana Crepe

2 Nutritional Supplements
1 Fruit

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans only

1 MWLC Hazelnut Pudding Shake Nutritional Supplement (prepared as pudding)
1 MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement, prepared
1-2 drops Vanilla Extract
Dash of Ground Cinnamon
¼ cup Strawberries, sliced
½ small Banana, sliced
Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray

In a small bowl, prepare the hazelnut pudding according to package directions and set aside. In another bowl, prepare the pancake mixture - if you like a thinner pancake, you can add a bit more water. Add the cinnamon and vanilla extract.

Heat a small pan or griddle sprayed with unflavored cooking spray. Pour your batter to desired crepe size. Flip over when the edges are bubbly or appear cooked. Cook a few more minutes and set aside.

The crepes can be served with fruit and hazelnut pudding inside as a “taco”, “tube” or flat with repeating layers.