This Medical Weight Loss Clinic Consultant knows what it’s like to be a patient

Susan Solomon knows what it feels like to be on both sides of a Medical Weight Loss Clinic consultation. She works in our Royal Oak clinic but initially came to the company as a patient.

Susan Solomon has been both a patient and employee at Medical Weight Loss Clinic.

Five years ago, Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer. The medications she needed for treatment had a common side effect – weight gain. When she saw the scale read more than 200 pounds, she took action.

“I thought it was a good time to lose the weight,” she says.

By the following Christmas holiday, Susan had lost more than 40 pounds with Medical Weight Loss Clinic and was feeling healthier. She was able to maintain her weight loss - until about a year ago when the scale began to creep upward.

Susan was already well-informed and educated on how to eat and live healthier. She works part-time counseling others to do the same. So, she knew the steps to take. But this time, a consultation with her primary care physician led her to try a new treatment alongside her Medical Weight Loss Clinic program. Susan has been taking a newer injectable medication to help lower her A1c for the past 9 weeks. She’s also dropped 13 pounds.

“I feel really good,” Susan says. After a week off work, she had lost 2 more pounds and returned to hear compliments from her co-workers.


Susan Solomon understands how to advise our patients. She is losing weight right along with them.

Susan’s goal is to return back to about 160 pounds, a weight where she looks and feels her best. A very active 76-year-old, strangers never can guess her age. Susan says that making sure to drink enough water and eat healthy protein, while staying away from sodium, sugar and too many carbohydrates has been important to her health.

“I’ve learned a lot listening to our patients and following my own advice,” she says.

Susan’s journey started with a free consultation at Medical Weight Loss Clinic. Yours can too. Visit a location near you. Learn more at