Lemon Garlic Lamb Chops

Using fresh herbs will really make the Lemon Garlic Lamb flavors pop!

Lemon Garlic Lamb 

1 Protein
3 vegetables 

Suitable for all Freedom meal plans and FastTrack 2.0 only

1 portion Lamb Chop
1 cup Spinach, fresh
1 cup Mushrooms
5 Cherry Tomatoes, halved
1 Tbsp fresh Lemon Juice
1 tsp Rosemary
½ tsp Black Pepper
2 cloves Garlic, minced
Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray


Preheat Broiler, spray broiler pan with unflavored cooking spray.

In a medium bowl mix garlic, rosemary and black pepper. Place lamb chop on the broiler pan sprinkle with half of the seasoning mixture. Broil 4 minutes, turn lamb over sprinkle other side with remaining seasoning mixture broil another 4 minutes or until fully cooked.

Spray medium skillet with unflavored cooking spray and saute mushrooms over medium heat for 1 minute. Add spinach and tomatoes and saute for an additional 2-3 minutes.  Place vegetables over the lamb and serve.