Pepper & Orange Spinach Salad

Updated: 3/18/22

Spinach Lover's Month isn't just for Popeye!  Spinach is  an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2.  🥬🍊🥗

Pepper & Orange Spinach Salad

3 Vegetables
1 Fruit

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack 2.0 meal plans

2 cups fresh Spinach
2 cups Boston Lettuce
½ medium Red Onion
½ medium Green Bell Pepper, slices
2 small Oranges
Dash Table Blend to taste

Preparation: Prepare pepper and peel/section the orange. Toss lettuce and spinach together. Arrange pepper slices, orange sections and onion rings on top of the lettuce. Add your favorite light salad dressing and Dash to taste and serve.

Note: Recipe makes 2 servings