Southwest Breakfast Burrito

Thank you to Carrie in Southgate for this delicious Southwest Breakfast Burrito recipe! Prepare this in advance for a quick breakfast on a busy morning!

Southwest Breakfast Burrito
Courtesy of Carrie in Southgate

2 Vegetables
1 Protein
1 Starch
1 Nutritional Supplement

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans 

1 serving Eggs (Egg Whites or Egg Beaters)
¼ medium Green Bell Pepper, chopped
¼ medium Red Bell Pepper, chopped
¼ medium Onion, chopped
¼ cup Mushrooms, sliced
1 MWLC Vegetarian Sloppy Joe Nutritional Supplement, prepared
Dash Southwest Chipotle Seasoning (to taste)
1 Ole Extreme Wrap
Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray
Prepare Vegetarian Sloppy Joe per package instructions.
Over medium heat, sautee the vegetables in a pan sprayed with unflavored non-stick cooking spray.  Add Dash seasoning and cook until soft.  Remove the vegetables and spray the same pan again with unflavored non-stick cooking spray.  Add eggs and cook until desired consistency, adding more Dash before removing from heat.   
Spread the prepared sloppy joe on the wrap, followed by the eggs and vegetables – wrap and eat!