Cottage Cheese Stuffed Cucumbers

Updated: 3/7/24

Quick and easy snack - creamy, crunchy and cool!

Cottage Cheese Stuffed Cucumber.jpg

Cottage Cheese Stuffed Cucumbers

1 Protein
2 Vegetables

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans

½ medium Cucumber
1 small Tomato, diced
1 serving 1% Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
2 sprigs Basil
Black Pepper, to taste

Thoroughly rinse the small tomato and the half of a medium cucumber. Cut the cucumber down the middle into halves. Dice the small tomato.

Fill each cucumber halve with cottage cheese, then gently spread the diced tomatoes over top of the cottage cheese.

Rinse the basil, shake dry, pluck leaves and cut the basil into fine strips. Place the basil over top of the stuffed cucumbers and sprinkle with black pepper to taste. Enjoy!