Try our Apple and Cherry Coleslaw to celebrate National Rainier Cherry Day!
How to Keep Strawberries Fresh
Nap Time
About 40% of Americans never sleep the recommended seven to nine hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). But skimping on sleep can contribute to a host of problems. In addition to affecting your personal health, sleep is crucial for the health of your job. Here is how sleeping more can help!
Tips for National Grilling Month - July
WSYM: Patient - Marci
How to Chop an Onion
MWLC Honored Champion: Judy A.
MWLC Patient Perspectives: Megan L. - Livonia
CCFA Take Steps 2018
WSYM: Medical Weight Loss Clinic Lansing
Your Health Matters: Healthy Grocery Shopping
What are some of your favorite tips when it comes to making healthy grocery shopping choices?
Honored Champion: Jaye Cooper
Your Health Matters: Dining Out
What's the key to eating out and staying healthy?
MWLC and the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
Medical Weight Loss Clinic has been a CCFA sponsor and top team for the past 5 years. We truly understand the importance of supporting the IBD community and are honored to be one of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America's featured teams this week! Join our team at the Southfield Civic Center on Saturday, June 9th at the Metro Detroit Take Steps Walk
To donate or register to walk, visit this link: