Recipes + Tips: Curb those holiday carb cravings with Medical Weight Loss Clinic

If you’re craving bread, pastries or mac n’ cheese, but don’t want to derail your healthy diet, those of us here at Medical Weight Loss Clinic can help.

Craving carbohydrates – especially as the chilly weather sets in – can happen to anyone. It’s often a sign of you’re running low on energy. As it gets colder and the days feel shorter, that jolt of serotonin we get from carbohydrates can make them seem irresistible. And of course, our favorite holiday foods can be plentiful this time of year, too.

However, it really is possible to stay on a healthy path. The experts at Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s Brighton location recently shared some tips to help you get started. We’ve also gathered some of our favorite MWLC Thanksgiving recipes here to help inspire you.

Cravings do happen

Did you know that cauliflower can be riced? It’s a great substitute for potatoes or traditional rice and can fit so many recipes.

Did you know that cauliflower can be riced? It’s a great substitute for potatoes or traditional rice and can fit so many recipes.

Food cravings can come on for a whole host of reasons. If you’re not eating balanced meals or not eating enough, it becomes even more enticing to grab something less-than-healthy. Those patients with low blood sugar or who aren’t getting enough minerals in their diet might also be more susceptible to such cravings.

At Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we understand and can help you get to the heart of the issue. Our customized programs and personal guidance are the perfect antidote to a sabotaging carb craving.  

Eating regularly can help

The first line of offense? Put your diet on a regular schedule. Don’t skip meals and make sure when you eat a meal or a snack, it’s a healthy and balanced choice. You’ll feel the difference in no time.

Set yourself up for success

When a craving hits, be prepared. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables at-the-ready. The fiber will help you feel full. If you’re on the hunt for a sugary snack, a piece of fruit will curb that craving. If it’s potato chips that are calling your name, reach for crunchy vegetables instead.

Stock healthy snacks in the cupboard, too, like Kellogg’s Pop Chips, Ritz Thin and Crisps or Good Thins. Veggie Straws, flavored rice cakes and air-popped popcorn can also be healthier alternatives. 

Even better, make your own healthy replacements. Rice up some cauliflower instead of eating potatoes or rice. Try Spaghetti Squash or make zucchini or summer squash noodles to eat in place of traditional pasta or noodles. Toss some kale in the oven to crisp up into savory chips.

Skip the potato chips and make your own savory kale chips tonight. It’s a healthy swap you’ll love.

Skip the potato chips and make your own savory kale chips tonight. It’s a healthy swap you’ll love.

Stay hydrated

Need a secret weapon? It’s as close as your kitchen sink. The professionals at Medical Weight Loss Clinic say water is key. Thirst can be confused with hunger or food cravings, according to members of our Brighton clinic staff. Drink water throughout the day and be sure to stay hydrated. Then, if you’re still craving carbs, eat some protein instead. It will help you feel fuller, longer.

Distract your mind

Other distractions can work wonders, too. When you start to feel snacky, take a walk, get a workout in or indulge in a favorite hobby - far from your refrigerator. Even just a 15-minute distraction can be enough to let a craving to pass. 

Want more tips to stay on a healthy path this holiday? Contact us at Medical Weight Loss Clinic to schedule your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.